Hello Hexo
2023-11-03 03:55:25

This is my first blog based on Hexo, it’s using Oranges theme! This is my first post. I’m going to share some problems I’ve encountered while setting up this blog.

Git Submodule

In Oranges, the author recommends using a submodule to integrate hexo with this theme.

However when I was tring to update some resources in the submodule dir, they couldn’t be subbmitted to the parent repo.

I’m not really familiar with submodules and I didn’t intend to spend planty of effort on setting up a blog, I prefer a simple process and foucus on writing.

My solution is to remove the submodule from parent repo, then manually copy the Oranges’ files into the theme directory.

It might sound crude, but it works well for someone like me who just wants to update a few static resources, I’m not aiming to develop a new theme based on Oranges, I’m simply planning to use it.

Documents About Github Pages Custom Domains.

My initial plan was to host my blog on github pages, while I was trying to add my own domain in github pages setting, github told me the domain is already taken by other user, I just bought this domian 2 days before I set up this blog.

Well, that’s not really a big deal, I thought at least github must offers a way to validate that the domain belongs to me.

However, after checking the document github recommended, I noticed that the setting UI was not same in the document. Ugh, they didn’t update the document again 😡.

Fortunately, I found this discussion and discovered a new way to verify my domain.

Use Vercel

So far, I’ve already spent a couple of hours setting up, and github told me it’s going to take 7 days to verify that this domain belongs to me. I lost my patience.

Finally, I hosted my blog on Vercel, and it only took 1 minute 😄.


Although GitHub offers a nice approach to host a static blog for free, it’s not as straightforward as some mature platforms like Vercel. To save your time, I advise you to use Vercel if the Hobby Plan is enough for you.

2023-11-03 03:55:25